Knowledge of the building materials properties is the basis for determination of the CE marking , a declaration of properties , the conformity assessment of products and their introduction to the market, design and use of products in construction and for the safe selection of products for a given construction. How to pick the right product for a completed construction? In accordance with the intended use and for declared product properties.

You can benefit from our accredited testing laboratory for testing of your products during the market introduction and supply phase, the acceptance of products during the construction process, etc.

Our Accredited Testing Laboratory offers

For manufacturers:

  • verification of constancy as Notified Laboratory / Subject 1516 for CE marking with the “Protocol on the assessment of properties” issuance or as Authorized Body for conformity assessment
  • testing of product properties for the CE marking and conformity assessment, which provides manufacturers (tested by the Notified Body or Authorized Body)
  • testing of products for manufacturers as a part of a system of production control in accordance with relevant harmonized standards and product control tests
  • testing of product prototypes when they are upgraded
  • inter-laboratory testing of manufacturers laboratory

For suppliers and contractors

  • carrying out acceptance tests, verification of properties of purchased products in respect to manufacturer’s declaration, reported values in the Declaration of properties, or „Contract for Work“ (SpD) and the technical product sheet

Our Competences

Certificate of Accreditation – our Testing Laboratory is accredited by the Czech Accreditation Institute, is registered under the number 1234 with permission to use the national accreditation mark. The scope of our Testing Laboratory is defined in the Annex of the accreditation certificate.
Our company is registered by the European Commission under number 1516 and is the competent organization for the assessment and testing of construction products with CE marking. The scope of our Notified Body 1516.


For complete offer of our services, click here

In wide range of our services, we offer the complex arrangement of your inquiries in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC – Testing, Inspection, Certification).