Are you wondering on how to increase the competitiveness of manufactured and supplied products?
Are you applying for public contracts or subcontracts, for example, construction of RMD or the RIA, where the construction products are subject to individual technical requirements, e.g. Under Technical Quality Requirements according to Ministry of Transportation, or Technical Conditions which requires a proof of eligibility for implementation and/or installation of structures according to Technical Quality Requirements, under ČSN EN 1090-2 + A1, ČSN 73 2603, etc.?
Do your buyers or investors require your product to demonstrate specific characteristics, for instance investor or designer requirements in accordance with its CE marking?
Are you wondering on how to increase the competitiveness of supplied products? Demonstrate the compliance by the third party’s credible and uncontested assessment accompanied by a certificate of product from our accredited Certification Body 3013.
Our Certification Body for Products and Processes is offering
Verification of properties and voluntary certification of building products for:
- the specific requirements of Technical Quality Requirements – TKP, Technical Condition – TP, SBBK, required by the design and the use of products in construction, or required by investors, contractors and designers
- the manufacturers technical specifications, company standards, technical data sheets of products, including products for building equipment
- approval and supervision systems for production management (SŘV/FPC), when it is required from the manufacturer
Preliminary inspection, assessment and optional certification of processes
- metal products, parts and structures welding under ISO 3834-2,-3,-4
- steel structures mounting under the requirements of EN 1090-2, or in relation to ČSN 73 2603
- concrete products under the requirements of chapter 18 of TKP MD ČR
Comprehensive technical assistance for construction parts producers when placing their products on the market individually or simultaneously with the activities of Authorized Body 227 or Notified Body 1516.
For complete offer of our services, click here
In wide range of our services, we offer the complex arrangement of your inquiries in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC – Testing, Inspection, Certification).