Information security management system according ISO 27001 leads the organisation to use the verified standards set to secure the computers, sensitive docs and spaces in company. By implementation of ISMS the organisation will identify the potential risks and threat of leaks and losses of information and will minimize the risks in a controlled manner. ISMS provides the tools and methods for increasing the level of processed and saved information in the company.

Certification according ISO 27001 gives to the company the higher credibility, especially in cases when the company deals with large amounts of sensitive data of the clients.

Certification can be only performed by accredited certification body. The accreditation in Czech Republic is performed by Czech Accreditation Institute. Our Certification Body for management systems is one from the first accredited bodies in Czechoslovakia and is registered in Czech Republic under number 3009 since 1994. We deal with ISMS certification since 2008 (from the date of standard issuance).

Certificate issued by our accredited certification body is internationally accepted. Three years validity is conditioned by annually surveillance audits with affirmative results. The range of services and locations is described at certificate as well.

Our Certification Body for management systems provides

  • certification and recertification of Information security management system according – ISMS according ISO/IEC 27001
  • certification mark licence providing
  • issuing of multilingual certificates
  • combined certification and surveillance audits
  • certification conversion for the purposes of our combined services utilizing

Our Competences

National accreditation mark given to our Certification Body 3009 by Czech Accreditation Institute in association with license granting. Certificates or other final documents (for emaple test reports) with accreditation mark prove, that the activities of certification body or testing laboratory are accredited and the subject of regular control of Czech Accreditation Institute.


For complete offer of our services, click here

In wide range of our services, we offer the complex arrangement of your inquiries in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC – Testing, Inspection, Certification).