Management Systems:

As a third independent party, we provide the certification of management systems, single or combined certification of QMS, EMS, OH&S, EMS, ISMS and EnMS, certification of fusion welding quality or within the cooperation of factory production control checking for the verification, approval or surveillance performed by our Authorised Body 227 or Notified Body 1516 for determined products. Accredited services are provided by our Certification Body 3009.

Products, Processes and EPD:

As a third independent party, we provide certification, conformity assessment and certification specified and not specified products building products, certification processes, welding of metal materials and vehicles, independent verification EPD, certification and qualification of building contractors for a public contract. Our mandatory assessment and verification of construction products is done by our Authorized Body 227, Notified Body 1516 (CE products). Accredited services done by our Certification Body 3013. We also co-operate in applied research.

Testing, Monitoring Products:

We perform testing of construction products for manufacturers and importers as a part of introduction of the product to the market, production inspection, acceptance testing for manufacturers, suppliers and contractors, including the evaluation of the test results in accordance with the customer’s requirements. Evaluation and interpretation of test results is directly translated into the accreditation testing protocol.
Our testing laboratory also performs a variety of the testing in-situ – outside its premises, at construction site during the evaluation and quality control of the construction, or during the acceptance testing of construction products for contractors (supplier acceptance tests at).

Green Buildings:

We perform evaluation and certification houses, apartment and office buildings in the design phase, id est evaluation and certification project using Czech certification tool SBToolCZ.

Standardisation, Science and Research

We prepare technical standards, translate European and international standards, offer information database – CE INFO, which deals with construction products with CE marking. We provide information and the training on modifications in the standards and the legislative requirements, participate in national and international projects and programs.