Building Research Institute – Certification Company is the holder of Certificate of Authorization given by Czech Accreditation Institute for Certification Body 3013 for products, processes, qualification and EPD. We provide these services since 1993. Certificates are internationally accepted. Range of services of our certification body defines the annex to the certificate of accreditation.
Certificate of accreditation for Certification Body 3013
Annex to certificate of accreditation for Certification Body 3013
We provide the services in certification of products since 1993. Issued certificates are internationally accepted.
National accreditation mark given to our Certification Body 3013 by Czech Accreditation Institute in association with license granting.
Certificates or other final documents (for emaple test reports) with accreditation mark prove, that the activities of certification body or testing laboratory are accredited and the subject of regular control of Czech Accreditation Institute.